Saturday, April 26, 2008

Hishammuddin apologises for his keris waving Act.

As reported in Malaysia Insider(25/04/08).“It’s over. The single act which alienated many Malaysians and was responsible for driving many Chinese and Indians into the clutches of the Opposition will not be repeated. Umno Youth chief Datuk Hishammuddin Hussein today cut his losses and apologised for the keris waving act which he introduced as an opening gambit at the Umno assembly three years ago.”

This apology was made during the closed-door meeting and he said that is time to he offered Malaysians an apology over this Keris waving act.

At a press conference after the meeting, the Education Minister said that he was sorry if his keris waving action had affected non-Malays. For good measure, he also said sorry to the Malays.

He also apologise for not being able to uphold the Malay symbol.

His friends from MCA, MIC, Gerakan and other component parties of the BN were pleased with Hishammuddin’s apology

His colleagues in the Barisan Nasional Youth were surprised when he broached the subject of the keris during their closed-door meeting.

For Hishammuddin, the apology is a must if he harbours any hope of rising to the top of the political ladder. The man who would carry on the legacy of his grandfather and father – Onn Jaafar and Tun Hussein Onn, both men who were revered for their sense of fairness and belief that Malaysia belonged to all races.

This Keris waving act stunned him when the results of Election 2008 and the swing of the non-Malay vote to Pakatan Rakyat, especially so in Penang.
In the last two years, even his Chinese businessmen friends have been wondering whether he had crossed over to the dark side and become a Malay nationalist.

This apology is the first step by him to try and rehabilitate his image and re-launch his political career.

What about ‘WE’ the Ra’ayat really thinks of Datuk Hishamuddin Hussien Apology

Can we accept his apology done in close door?
Was he sincere?
What about the Ra’ayat that was “HURT” (Domestically & Overseas)?
Can We forgive him?
(more than one tick possible)

Datuk Hishamuddin Close Door Apology

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Anonymous said...

Tiada maaf bagi mu. Show the keris some more then next PR13 you will be pembankang.

Penang kaki

Anonymous said...

Now that the bastard has apologised, will the bigger bastard Najis apologise as well? The bigger bastard started this sub-culture of keris waving and was more specific about the purpose of the keris - ie to spill Chinese blood!

Anonymous said...

Apologize my foot. Hell, any sensible person can clearly see that he is definitely NOT sincere in apologizing... anyone who thinks it's a genuine apology is a real superhypermoronic IDIOT!!

Think about it - Would any sincere person who has REAL REGRET over his actions take 3 ******* YEARS TO APOLOGIZE?????!!!!

The appropriate time for this ******* kerismudin racist to apologize has come and gone.. anything he says now counts only as shit, which is exactly what he is

Anonymous said...

The time for forgiveness has come and gone. The time for punishment is to come. Hishamuddin did not bother to even mention anything about apology when he has more power. A shit will always remain a shit. For 50 years you Malaysians have been cheated, isnt it enough? If you still accept this kind of apology then it is the Malaysians who will be viewed as morons without reserve.

Anonymous said...

You guys are all wrong. Hishamuddin did not apologise to the public nor repentant for his kris waving antics. He don't give a shit about what the public thinks. He was only apologising to BN members after being rebuked by them for causing the defeat of BN with this act.

Anonymous said...

Extremely difficult to comprehend an Edu Minister who has the same brain size as an ostrich. An ostrich has a brain size as its ONE eye.

Anonymous said...

Too late already la... Kerismorondin. You shouldn't apologized cause it will only make you like a brainless minister which sometimes use his ass to talk and say sorry with his mouth.


His pretentious monkey show make me foam in my mouth. Now that he is not kissing his keris he can kiss something else. My ass!